Why I Breastfeed My Babies

There are lots of good and worthy reasons to breastfeed, scientifically researched and mother-tested. You can read them in any sane book on motherhood and find many more at the La Leche League site. Then there are my reasons for using my own milk: 1. I always take my boobs with me where ever I… Continue reading Why I Breastfeed My Babies

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Addicted Again

I had a little reaction to the Knitting Olympics. It was similar to my reaction to anything that becomes an obligation. I didn’t want to knit anymore. Oh, and my hands were sore. Now that a couple of weeks have passed I’m back to squeezing my knitting in around other jobs like looking after my… Continue reading Addicted Again


I composed a long and lyrical ode to Philadelphia as I drove through bits of it on the way back from the zoo. But now I’m so tired I could fall asleep standing up. So it’ll have to wait.

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No-one mentions how physically exhausting it is to raise two boys. Or maybe they do but I just haven’t been listening. It turns out that wrestling a strong and 20+lb baby who is nursing is tough. Then there’s your two-year-old who REALLY doesn’t want to cooperate with whatever you’re trying to do (change a diaper,… Continue reading Mommyrobics

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Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Had My First Baby — The First Few Weeks

This is the first of what I think will be many entries like this. Althought I had babysat and been a largely long-distance auntie, I was still surprised by SO many things about having my own baby. Since I started popping out sprogs a lot of my friends have followed suit. We trade emails and… Continue reading Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Had My First Baby — The First Few Weeks

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Modern Parents' Baby Shower Wish-List

Kaikaina recently entered the stage where all her friends are procreating and chided me for not using my three years of experience in baby-raising to produce any useful written materials. So herewith, I present my: Modern Parent’s Baby Shower Wish-List Forget the bonnets and mittens and “Baby’s First Teddy” bears. The new parent receives more… Continue reading Modern Parents' Baby Shower Wish-List

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Ignore this post

I have to log in through the Update Your Jounal Page because I can’t log in from the login page. Huh?

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Knitting Olympics

With my sister signing up for a sponsored walk and urging me to “move yer arse” I have instead opted for the slightly more sedentary challenge of the Knitting Olympics. This was the insane whim of one knitter and has grown to include 3000 insane knitters in various teams. My team is the USA Sock… Continue reading Knitting Olympics

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Fun With Music and Crafts

I’m doing less and less writing these days and more and more knitting stuff. I reckon that the pursuit of a craft/hobby is all research and may one day turn into tons of articles — when I have the brain points to churn them out. Yesterday I combined my love of music with my love… Continue reading Fun With Music and Crafts

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