This poor homeless little blog has been wandering around for years now, from Livejournal to Blogger and back to LJ, for want of anything better. But in a fit of widget-envy, I have moved to WordPress and will be trying it out for a while. I never could find the comments people left on Blogger… Continue reading Now On WordPress
Category: Me
Old Roads
My blog-friend Jo writes from County Cork, and has written today about old roads. It is lyrical and poignant and beautiful and not to be missed for anyone with a romantic (in the 19th Century sense) bone in their body. And it has beautiful pictures taken by her professional photog man. Read it now!
Themed Part I
posted in her journal explanations of some of her ‘interests, listed in the LJ profile and said she’d tag other people. I responded but was too lame to check that I had any interests listed, so she had to do a little more research than she had planned (but that’s OK. It’s what she does.)… Continue reading Themed Part I
Nerd…I'll Bite
I’m pretty proud that only 1% scored higher in the “History Nerd” section.
Ravelry — I'm In!
For about two years now, drDuff has been hooked on Boardgame Geek, where he gets to list all his board games, find out about new board games, and hang out with other boardgamers with out having to, you know, hang out with other boardgamers. I have been so envious. I even talked to him of… Continue reading Ravelry — I'm In!
Writer's Inspiration I
I’m trying to squeeze in more writing time these days (not, as previously mentioned, for projects that someone is threatening to pay for imminently, but just for my own satisfaction). In spite of the fact that I really want to write, I find myself needing a jumpstart, so I’m reading about writing a little more… Continue reading Writer's Inspiration I
BBC On Demand in the US
I’m so excited. The BBC is making its shows available through Zudeo sometime soon. (Zudeo is owned by the people who made the BitTorrent software.) We’ve been getting our Dr. Who fix from the newsgroups (until such time as the DVDs are released, because we just can’t wait a year for new Who…not while my… Continue reading BBC On Demand in the US
Money for Medicine
These ladies got naked to help their friend pay for the drugs that are keeping her alive after cancer treatment (cos, you know, a national health service would be the work of the devil. And Hillary Clinton.) Then they made a calendar. Now they’re selling it. Treat yourself and help Heather pay her bills!
Doctor Hat
Doctor Hat Originally uploaded by jwordsmith. The new design that obsessed me for 24 hrs and then took a trip to the park with us today. Those who know Who, will know..
Out of it
I am, apparently, not a fashionista. I’m thinking of buying some new clothes. Since all my post-baby shopping so for (make that almost two years, oops) has been done at Target, I thought I’d take a look online and see what is fashionable this year, before I got out and buy stuff that is oh,… Continue reading Out of it