I was making some writing notes this morning and reflecting on heroes and what qualities they should have. I’m not sure the two characters in this story are quite on the same page… “I’ve found him at last: the perfect man.” “What, him?” “Absolutely! OK, he’s a little short, but what a body! And he… Continue reading The Ideal Man
Month: October 2010
Why It’s Important To Know How Fast You Write (aka More Nano Prep)
In preparing for my first NaNoWriMo, I’ve been trying to write some back stories for my character and world. I’m also trying to get into the habit of writing close to the daily word count I’ll have to reach during November if I want to hit 50,000 words before the end of the month (that’s… Continue reading Why It’s Important To Know How Fast You Write (aka More Nano Prep)
NaNoWriMo – I’m In!
I’m logging my progress as I gear up for my first NaNoWriMo. Don’t expect these entries to be coherent or interesting if you’re not me! Sorry. It has been nine years since my friend Debbie first mentioned National Novel Writer’s Month, a crazy, write-a-50,000-word-novel-in-November venture, in her blog. Every year I have been tempted to… Continue reading NaNoWriMo – I’m In!
Tales From The Lunchroom: What The Hell?!
Four days a week, I bundle my hair up into a hat (my choice, no they didn’t supply me with a hairnet) and stomp off down to the school to slop out food, wipe tables, open bottles of milk for kindergartners and keep the peace among the 1st-8th Graders. I’m accumulating insight and material and… Continue reading Tales From The Lunchroom: What The Hell?!