The Cost of Gas

Last year a helicopter carrying workers to their rigs crashed into the North Sea. My brother-in-law takes a helicopter out to work on his rig, every so often. He wasn’t on this one. 20 years ago, before my sister was married, there was a terrible fire on one of the rigs in the North Sea.… Continue reading The Cost of Gas

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A Week of Stories From One (Stolen) Idea

Is your story refusing to sing? Are you sick of the sound of your own prose? There are times when every (good) writer feels this way. It could be a moment of great despair, but it could also be an opportunity to try something new.

Ideas! Ideas! Finding Writing Ideas For You Short Story

I’m going to write A Story A Day in May. I bet you could too… Some days finding ideas is easier than others. On the days where the story ideas are flowing, stick a bucket under the spigot and catch them all. You’ll need them later. (And when you come back to them, give them… Continue reading Ideas! Ideas! Finding Writing Ideas For You Short Story

How To Write A Story A Day

I’m going to write A Story A Day in May. Dare to join me? I’m not sure yet (because I haven’t done it), but I think it’s going to be possible to write a story a day. Here are some of the ways I’m planning to make time every day to tell stories: Tell Stories… Continue reading How To Write A Story A Day

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What Are Your Creative Writing Inspiration Sources

There are books that I enjoy and there are books that I love.
When I want to do some creative writing I tend to dip into a piece by one of my favourite authors (sometimes that can be a TV show or a movie) to get that fix, before I start.

My “Get Jazzed About Writing” superstars are…

Which Creative Challenge Is Best For You?

Creative Challenges are great for shaking up the routine, forcing you to be creative every day or every week, and flexing those imagination muscles. What is a creative challenge? National Novel Writer’s Month is probably the most ambitious and famous creative challenge: write a novel in a month (November). The idea is to challenge yourself… Continue reading Which Creative Challenge Is Best For You?

Better Breakfasts – Southwestern Scrambled Eggs

Heat your butter (or wimpy non-fat cooking spray) in your frying-pan/skillet of choice. I use a small, thin non-stick omlette pan. Medium heat, don’t let the butter burn.

Pour in your scrambled egg. Allow to cook for a minute, until you can see that it’s starting to firm up at the edges.

Turn the heat up and stir like crazy until the egg is mostly cooked, but still looks kinda moist.

Toss in the spinach, stir until it starts to wilt…