Barbarians At The Gate

I wanted to write a new story but I didn’t know what to write. Once I had my specific audience in mind, though, all it took was a few minutes of relative quiet and a few rows of knitting, to get the ideas forming in my brain. The problem now, is not so much getting… Continue reading Barbarians At The Gate

Feed Four in the Family — Overlapping Meals

With me trying to eat healthily and watch my portions, Kev eating low-carb and the boys being 6 and 4, feeding the whole family can get a bit complex. Especially when everyone wants to eat exactly when they’re hungry, not a moment before or after. I know I shouldn’t do it, but last night I… Continue reading Feed Four in the Family — Overlapping Meals


Round, frozen, hard, white. Watery now, shedding your ice. Patting, drying, there-there. (Heating butter, adding garlic, a dash of oil.) Take a teriyaki bath, there you go. Scrubba dubba. Time to come out now! Lift you, Sea Scallops, gently out of your tub. Thrust you into the searing, flashing, firework pan. Scorch your edges. Throw… Continue reading Love

How To Hide Farmville or Mafia Wars or Others on Facebook News Feed

I appreciate that lots of my friends have fun with Farmville on Facebook. I, however, am not interested and would love to not have to wade through that stuff. Since I try to spend as little time as possible on Facebook, it has taken me a ridiculously long time to figure out how to hide… Continue reading How To Hide Farmville or Mafia Wars or Others on Facebook News Feed

Time Enough At Last

I’ve been sending Gregor to Lunch Bunch a lot recently a, because he likes it and b, because the difference between picking him up at 11.15 (stop what I’m doing at 10.45, probably get dressed, and make sure I’m ready to leave just after 11) is hugely different from picking him up at 1. Every… Continue reading Time Enough At Last

Categorized as Blethers

Brie, Ham, Tomato, Basil – Super Supper

OK, so I’m watching my portions but I worked hard today and hadn’t eaten much so i decided to have a little supper. Two small slices of bread, some thinly-sliced Brie, two slices of shaved ham, and a couple of cherry tomatoes, topped with some basil harvested from the garden in the summer and frozen.… Continue reading Brie, Ham, Tomato, Basil – Super Supper

Hand Shoe

Yarn: Patons Kroy Socks Stripes Colour: 55614. Needles: 5xbamboo Takumi dpns 3.25mm This started out as a sock, but I made a mistake with the heel and put it aside for a few days. That sock had been conceived as my auto-pilot, thinking -about-other-things project, and I was mightily annoyed at it for demanding more… Continue reading Hand Shoe

Shut It!

[audio:|titles=Shut It!] I’ve been reading Gretchen Rubin‘s Happiness Project book 1 and I guess some of it is sinking in. Particularly the part about only being able to change yourself and your actions/reactions, even if it’s other things/people who are annoying you. This morning I thought about some household chore and it brought up other… Continue reading Shut It!


[audio:|titles=Little] When I was 15 I worked in a bar for three hours each Sunday, clearing glasses and making coffee, for 1.25 an hour. I had a boyfriend and I used to meet him on Saturday afternoons. I would catch a red council bus (0.45 each way), all diesel fumes, red vinyl seats and poor… Continue reading Little