Kindle Software Update

[Updated 9/28/11: Want to read about the Kindle Fire and Kindle Touch? Click here.] Now I’m sure that this is a coincidence, given that Barnes & Noble’s new ereader the Nook comes out today, but I just got an email from Amazon saying that my Kindle now supports PDFs. And you can rotate the screen,… Continue reading Kindle Software Update

Beyond The Backlash of ADHD

For a while now I’ve just been hoping people would stop mentioning the term AD/HD around me.

Last night, instead of burying my head in the sand, I did some actual reading….

Categorized as Parent

Frustration-Free Packaging!

From time to time, standing in my kitchen wielding a blunt pair of scissors or doing the dangerous “Sabatier Knife Trick” on a reluctant package, I have gone off on my rant about how, come the revolution, all manufacturers will be forced to wrap their products in plain sacks … Well, apparently Amazon has read my mind. Again.