
I just saw a hummingbird, for the first time in my life. I was standing on the deck, about to come inside, when what seemed like two butterflies or a really big dragonfly flitted past me and paused at one of my flower boxes. When my eyes had focussed I realised that this was a… Continue reading Hummingbird!

Writing, With A Pen!

Well, I have taken down my 500 Words logo in the sidebar there -> because I haven’t been making an effort to hit my 500 words a day. I just haven’t been able to make the time, or the space in my brain. However, I have been writing over the past few days. I have… Continue reading Writing, With A Pen!

Silence is Golden

I’m getting grief from all sides about the lack of blog posts recently. I regret it, myself, but in my defense, it’s hard to concentrate on putting words together coherently — never mind coming up with an entertaining story — when there are two small boys around all day, and one large boy for part… Continue reading Silence is Golden