Handmade Gift Ideas

So it’s that time again: everyone is scrambling for gifts for other people, things that might be appreciated but won’t break the bank and, preferably, won’t contribute too much to the scuppering of the planet. I say, buy homemade. More specifically, I say “Buy homemade from these nice folks who I either know, sort-of-know, or… Continue reading Handmade Gift Ideas

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Slightly R-Rated

This morning at Pilates we were doing an exercise that Carolynn, our instructor, claimed was good for the transverse abdominals. Someone, who can talk while exercising, said, “Did anyone see Oprah last week? She had someone on who said that the transverse abdominals are the best for sex!” There were some exclamations and titters and… Continue reading Slightly R-Rated

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Tool Time

I like my neighbour, but last night I was sorely tempted to sneak into his shed and pour sugar in the engine of his leaf blower. It’s not just that he has a leaf blower that he uses as the sun sinks down and the day should be at its most peaceful. It’s that he… Continue reading Tool Time

Black Is The New Black

So now it’s all trendy to talk about issues of race and colour and stuff. There was an article on the radio this morning about a local conference, Bench2Business, which is aimed at “aspiring and established scientists and entrepreneurs of color”. At one point they were talking to an entrepreneur who was ruefully pointing out… Continue reading Black Is The New Black

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Gosh it’s hard to concentrate today. I have to say, I am just thrilled with the election result here in the US. I think I live in a pretty Republican neighbourhood so I’ll have to watch that I’m not too jubilant when I see everyone (because that would be in bad taste, and because I… Continue reading Post-Election


Fall is falling away. I feel it was sudden and brief this year. Maybe it’s because I don’t have our pear tree holding out into mid-December. Some of the trees, particularly the maples, are still putting on a good show, but the birches are bare and so are many of the yellow-leaved trees the names… Continue reading Fall


I have  some problems with where I live. It’s too far from my family, in both miles and hours. The culture is foreign and even after 14 years I don’t feel entirely at home here. I suspect I never will. It’s too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. I miss the… Continue reading Lucky

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