Sometimes I get so busy with life and with planning what I might write and with researching paying writing opportunities that I forget to do any actual writing. My blogs have lain un-updated for over a week, my dead-tree journal is who-knows-where, and I’m all jangly and frowny and wondering why. Then, at noon today… Continue reading Don't Forget To Write
Month: October 2008
Just cancelled the host I’ve had forEVER, fo my domain. I feel a little wistful, but on the other hand it’s exciting to have a shiny new website on a shiny new host. So, here’s my business site, all updated ‘n’ stuff. There is still some content to add, but it is much more… Continue reading Shiny
On The Other Hand…
I’ve spend the morning reaching out to old colleagues and clients to ask for testimonials about my work. It’s fun and I’ve already had one nibble about new work from a contact. I’ve been westling with what kind of writing I should be spending my new-found free time pursuing. Part of me really wants to… Continue reading On The Other Hand…
TechHead Revisited
Quite proud of myself today. I’ve been playing with WordPress for this blog, in the interests of using it to power my business website, in anticipation of doing some business writing now that I have (a-hem) all this spare time. So between yesterday and today I have dusted off the techy part of my brain… Continue reading TechHead Revisited
Better Breakfasts – Perfect Oatmeal
My Better Breakfast quest continues – with Oatmeal! Mr Kellog may have had a point (we do need more fiber in our diets) but his refined cereals just don’t cut it as a morning meal for me. The carbs burn off and leave me hungry. The sugar makes me sluggish. I need protein! I need… Continue reading Better Breakfasts – Perfect Oatmeal
I Hope This Is True
Supposedly Google has devised a sobriety test for email. New technologies create new problems that need solved!
iTunes 8 Problem Solved!!!
…not by me. I finally found this entry in the Apple support forums, after going through tons of official suggestions for troubleshooting. This one worked like a charm, so I’m reproducing it here, in case anyone else is having the same problem (that is, that iTunes 8 would not install fully, or would work once… Continue reading iTunes 8 Problem Solved!!!
I don’t care what party you are or what your politics are. Behave!
I just wish everyone would be civil and talk about the boring details. Dare to be boring! Please!
Personality Types
I laughed out loud when I saw the careers [the personality test] recommended for me…
I Saw Neil Gaiman
…it quickly moves on to the warm and fuzzy part. Of course, in a Neil Gaiman book, the warm and fuzzy part includes dead people and possibly vampires and something unspeakable living under a hill,…