
I’m making plans to run away from my family on Wednesday, and go into Philly to hear Neil Gaiman read from his latest novel. I dipped my toe in this water earlier this year, when I spent a fun Sunday afternoon being forced to laugh uproariously by The Yarn Harlot, and now I want more.… Continue reading Untitled

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My Twinn

I always found dolls creepy, but this takes the cake! Isn’t there something unseemly about instilling this level of vanity in your child? Or am I old-fashioned?

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Emmy Who?

I knew I didn’t watch much TV, but I just looked at the results of the Emmy Awards (I had no idea they were happening) and realised that I haven’t seen most of the shows. Not even a moment of them. Of the shows listed I’ve seen full episodes of…four. One of them Lost, which… Continue reading Emmy Who?

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Today's Roster

OK, so today has gone: get the kids up and out, walk them to school, walk back; write a little (and I mean a little) on the novel; get some great ideas for magazine articles, thrash them out, write them out, research markets. Pick up one kid from school, go to the library, do some… Continue reading Today's Roster

Happy Anniversary

Eighteen years ago, so I’m told, I was being a bridesmaid for the first time. Eh, the only time…I have somewhat hazy memories of the day, since it was so long ago and all, but I remember…

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Hurricane Ike

Nine years ago I flew to Houston, TX, to talk at a writers’ conference. My host picked me up from the airport (in his BMW Z3) and drove me along Highway 1, past the Johnstone Space Center with its Saturn 5 rockets lying on the grass by the entrance, and into Clear Lake. It was… Continue reading Hurricane Ike

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Full Mast!

I picked up a pair of capri-length jeans yesterday in a 50% off sale (cos, you know, summer’s over…even if it is still 80-something degrees). As I put them on this morning, I pulled them up and they kept going, past my bum, past my hips and, hallelujah, up to my actual waist. Today, for… Continue reading Full Mast!