…It feels fabulous to wrap your brain around something challenging and watch yourself getting more insightful, more tenacious, more strategic…BETTER at something that doesn’t involve cleaning fluids. Ahhhh.
Month: August 2008
On The Road Again
Thanks to all for the good wishes (hi to the Saucy Sistas who stopped by. Welcome!). Well, we managed to get into town again and meet our friends on Saturday evening. We’re back at home for dentist’s appointments and a laundry run and will be doing more touristy stuff with friends again soon. We’re set… Continue reading On The Road Again
Crunch Time
So there we were, merrily driving down the “Expressway” for a day of fun with our friends from Wisconsin, when the traffic came to a halt at the usual spot. It looked pretty bad so, on a whim, we took an off ramp, saying, “The GPS lady will find us another way”. Just as we… Continue reading Crunch Time
Sir Penguin
Every day at Edinburgh Zoo, the penguins come out for a walk. They meander around, mingle with the crowds and are generally charming. I was there quite a lot while a student in Edinburgh, even meeting up with my Mum when she brought her classes on school trips. The penguins always delighted everyone. Apparently, back… Continue reading Sir Penguin
Sir Salman
…It’s not a ‘how-to’, but it is one of those experiences that makes you want to jump up and run to your notebook and write your own novel…
New Site
So, this is my first official post on the Wordpress site…
Associated Blobfest
…Then I started to read. And it was good. The writing was really good. Even after reading the first sentence I knew something was up….
Millennial Mom Monday — Gadgets
Mondays are for the Millennial Mothers (and dads too. And aunts and uncles, grandparents and friends. It’s just more alliterative this way…) Post a reply in the comments. Or write in your own blog and leave a link in the comments. Invite your friends to join in. This weeks’s theme: Gadgets A while back, I… Continue reading Millennial Mom Monday — Gadgets
Unripened Hanami Stole beaded cast on, without flash
Unripened Hanami Stole beaded cast on, without flash, originally uploaded by jwordsmith. This is just a quick picture post to confirm that the Hanami Stole did survive past the first few torturous rows and that I’m quite enjoying it now. There are mistakes, sure, but nothing crippling. Yet. Must be time for a lifeline…
Hob Nobbing
Fun night out with Sally & George tonight — our friends who should, by rights, be our parents’ friends, since they’re about that age. But they’re cool. And Kev might have kidnapped their cat if not for my allergies. I suppose I should take that as a compliment.