I’ve just watched tonight’s Doctor Who. For the love of cheese, if you’ve ever heard the words “Doctor Who” and know what they mean, don’t talk to me this week. At least not on the subject of anything Who-related. The suspense may kill me but I’m willing to take that risk. I knew nothing about… Continue reading Don't Talk To Me!
Month: June 2008
Blasts from The Past
A lifetime or two ago, when I worked for a start-up with lots of young employees, I was walking along the street talking to a (younger) friend about his girlfriend. Now, you have to understand that this friend was a tall, blond, gorgeous and charming guy, with a pure heart, who everyone loved. He was… Continue reading Blasts from The Past
So, I cast on a Hanami Stole yesterday. I’m here to write about my experience today, so we’ll skip over the beaded cast-on (which went well), and the knitting-of-the-first-row and the unpicking-of-the-first-row-when-working-with-tiny-fuzzy-yarn and the part where I reached that point after getting to the end of the first row for the third time where I… Continue reading Breathe…
Ooo, I have a pullover and a sock on the go, neither of them small projects, really, but neither of them in the first flush, either. Both are about 3/4s finished, so naturally I’m looking around for a sexy new love. And I think I’ve found it. I’m sitting here trying to resist winding into… Continue reading Temptation
Kids Away
I was gearing up for a Granparents-and-all trip to the big zoo this morning when Granmo said, “Well, we could take them to the little zoo instead, and you could stay and get on with some stuff…” It seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up, so I packed them off with water and… Continue reading Kids Away
Birthday Suits
Look what Fifona made for our birthdays! Mine has knitting stuff all over it and little pockets for needles and notions, and fimo clay buttons in the shape of balls of yarn. Kev’s has fabrics from his various interests but it really gets good when you turn him around. Not only is that a “Settlers… Continue reading Birthday Suits
Happy Birthday To Me!
Most people I know are going to be jealous of my present. And if you aren’t, it’s only because you haven’t played with one yet! It’s lovely. There’s a spot where you can enter your device’s name. I’m thinking it’s going to have to be “My Precioussssss”…
A Third
I’ve just worked out that I’ve lived here, in the state where I now live, for a third of my life. How is that possible? Well, we moved here 12 years ago today (happy anniversary!) and tomorrow I’m 36 (happy birthday). Wow, of all the places I have lived, this is the one I have… Continue reading A Third
Reporter Instincts
Apparently my reporter’s instincts are still in there somewhere. Last night I was at a concert when the lights flickered out. There was a huge storm raging overhead and it killed the power for miles around. Luckily for us, the musicians were consummate professionals and just kept on playing, unplugged. As I listened, I was… Continue reading Reporter Instincts
It’s hot out there. It’s going to get up to 98 for the severalth day in a row and the humidity is high, making it feel even hotter. The state issued a heat warning, saying ‘stay out of the sun, get into some air conditioning and drink lots of water’. For Scots this is hard… Continue reading Phew!