G is for Guidelines

I’ve had an idea for a while that it would be great to write short fiction and publish it as a podcast. It would be good for people who like to listen to stories, but have other things to do as well, (say, knit or sew. Or drive to work. Or build and paint little… Continue reading G is for Guidelines

E is for Exercise

Something happened during first year at Secondary School that had repercussions for my weight and health for years afterwards. Perhaps it was the scabby changing rooms, or the development of adolescent sweat glands, or the lack of shower curtains and the time to use the showers (“OK girls, five minutes until your next class. Go… Continue reading E is for Exercise

W is for Who (woo-hoo!)

K is downloading Doctor Who and I’m off to try to coax the boys into bed so we can watch it in peace. (Naughty I know, but we always buy the DVDs when they come out, so I feel we’re just time-travelling a little by downloading a freebie in real time. Which seems appropriate. Otherwise… Continue reading W is for Who (woo-hoo!)

W is for Weight (Gain?)

I ate chinese food and stayed up too late reading last night. I think it’s goign to be a quetion of how many pounds went on this week. Ah well.

L is for Library

I dumped A in extended-day care at school today, which meant I had until 2.45 to Get Lots Done. Hmm, by noon I had taken G to Tumble Bears and then…read blogs. Then I took a sledgehammer to the shelves in the hall cupboard, which is something I’ve been wanting to do forever. It was… Continue reading L is for Library

P is for Potty

Things were a bit stressed this morning but I provided some comic relief by putting G on the toilet and then into underpants (he’s not amused!). Then he peed in the garden. He looked absolutely appalled. I think he thought something had broken.