I’ve been trying not to obsess about this online, since that way leads to madness, but today I have to have a little brag. I had slid into further into fattitude than I had ever gone before, since having my children — and I was no skinny chick before. I discovered that it has little… Continue reading Brag
Month: March 2008
Yarn Fumes
I just suffered my first bout with yarn fumes. I got this email and stood, frozen at my computer for a good five minutes, fingers poised, working out how many sweaters that would be and whether or not I wanted to be tied to this much yarn and how long it would be until I… Continue reading Yarn Fumes
Real Food
I’ve been reading Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food, which I loved I kind of laughed when I saw the title and heard him talking about how an awful lot of what we eat now (at least in the US) is not actually ‘food’, as our grandmothers would recognize it. It is imitation food. I… Continue reading Real Food
Christine Clancy
I went to a funeral this morning. One of my friends had cancer and reached the end of the road last Saturday morning. She was 76 and very faith-filled and I have no doubt that she’s feeling much better this week than she was last week. It was sad, of course, but I loved hearing… Continue reading Christine Clancy
Photo Day
Photo day for G at ‘school’ today. Thinking about the litter of official pictures of these boys I’m building up, I suddenly found myself thinking about the sibling portraits they took at my first school. (That photographer was probably out of business in a few years. Far too focused on what the customer wanted. They… Continue reading Photo Day
Been feeling quiet creative recently. Lots of fragments of stuff going in notebooks, awaiting that mythical day when I have too much time and nothing to do. (Although if I have learned anything by reading other writers’ blogs, that’s not how things get done at all). I did, however, manage to compose a silly song… Continue reading Delegation
Humphrey Littleton
I was sorry to hear that Humphrey Littleton is giving up his jazz show on the BBC, as it was always excellent listening. However, I love the fact that, at 86 he is trying to ‘clear a space for some of my other ambitions’.
Fandom Gone Wild
OK, I know I’m a fan of Star Trek, but when my crockery starts chipping Federation logos out of itself, I think things are going too far…
Sweater RSI
OK, so all that 4×2 ribbing left me with a little RSI, so I’ve had to slow down the progress on the Manly Durrow a little. However, I have made it to through the first repeat on the sleeves. (This picture taken a few days ago:) There are some crazy cable instructions on there, but… Continue reading Sweater RSI
Vale Rio On The Move
Gregor and I went food shopping before picking Angus up from school. By some fluke of good-timing, we were actually finished a good 20 minutes before we were due at Angus’s school, which was just around the corner. I was wondering what we should do to kill time when lo! I saw police cars and… Continue reading Vale Rio On The Move