Miriam’s Heart

My sister sent me a link to a pattern she is using to make a knitted heart and hoping to teach her four year old daughter. She was struggling with some of the instructions so I, being me, thought “I could do better than that” so here’s my effort, which I think will be less… Continue reading Miriam’s Heart

Miriam's Heart

My sister sent me a link to a pattern she is using to make a knitted heart and hoping to teach her four year old daughter. She was struggling with some of the instructions so I, being me, thought “I could do better than that” so here’s my effort, which I think will be less… Continue reading Miriam's Heart

Miriam's Knitted Heart

Auntie sent me a link to a pattern she is using to make a knitted heart. Me, being me, thought “I could do better than that” so here’s my effort, which I think will be less lumpy and bumpy than the original. MIRIAM’S HEART Cast on 3 stitches using any method you like. R1: Knit… Continue reading Miriam's Knitted Heart

Ms. Messy

9.14 AM and we’re up, showered, dressed, have had (and cleaned up from) and sausages-and-pancakes breakfast (thank you, Kev), the bathroom is clean, the floor is swept, the downstairs is clear of clutter. I wander down into the basement. I pull a load of laundry out of the tumble drier, swap in some wet, fold… Continue reading Ms. Messy