I nipped along to our local Weight Watchers office this morning during their open hours and rejoined. Last autumn I was trucking along, losing weight and eating well and feeling very smug. Then I got derailed. Getting re-railed has proved harder than joining in the first place, but I think I’m finally ready. It helps… Continue reading Back On The Wagon
Month: February 2008
On Journalistic Freedom, and Prince Harry
So Drudge decided it was in the public interest to disclose Prince Harry’s deployment to Afghanistan. Oh well done. That really served the public interest, didn’t it? Apparently this has ignited a big debate about whether the press should agree to embargoes and whether people had a right to know. Please! I’m all for the… Continue reading On Journalistic Freedom, and Prince Harry
Links o' the Day
So, my sister sends me one little link, about dressmaking, which I don’t even do, and it leads to a flurry of wonderfulness. It turns out that March 4 is National Gramm<strike>e</strike>ar Day as hosted by the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar (SPOGG) which I came to via: Dictionary Evangelist, who has her… Continue reading Links o' the Day
CGI: the Next Generation
Victory ang K’tinga Originally uploaded by SeumasNCC1842 Look at what my 15 year old nephew can do with a computer and an overactive imagination. I mean, 15 might sound quite old to you, but this is my wee nephew, the first person to make me an auntie; a boy who was two years old only… Continue reading CGI: the Next Generation
God's Problem and Bart Ehrman
So, there’s a guy (Bart Ehrman) who has released a book with the provocative title of God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question — Why We Suffer. He’s doing the rounds of the talk shows, to promote it and is talking about that most difficult of questions, from the perspective… Continue reading God's Problem and Bart Ehrman
Manly Durrow Update
So, I’ve been knitting this manly Durrow and I have to say I’m enjoying it a lot. Especially considering all I’ve really done so far is a lot of 4×2 ribbing. But it’s a worsted weight cushie yarn and it knits up quickly and feels nice and requires just enough attention to stop it being… Continue reading Manly Durrow Update
Photos of Sharks and Hippos
Hey, every time we go to the aquarium, I can’t resist taking pictures, even though I know they’ll turn out terribly. My friend George, however, is a professional photographer and he’s been to the aquarium too… I have such admiration for photographers. There’s an innate ability to see the world as others don’t. There’s also… Continue reading Photos of Sharks and Hippos
Fed Up Of Food
You’d think that coming off a three-day fast imposed by a stomach virus, the man and I would be craving all kinds of wonderful foods. Not so. We confirmed to each other today that we are fed up of food. Nothing in our (my) normal routine even remotely interests us and none of our restaurant… Continue reading Fed Up Of Food
George Lucas In Love
I really enjoyed this, and it makes me realise I really need to watch “Shakespeare In Love” again, because I caught all the Star Wars references, and could only make assumptions about the rest. It’s a really well-made film, and I hope I’m not violating anyone’s copyright!
Of Storms and Storm Doors
This is very frustrating. We have been getting flurries of snow all weekend that are quickly followed by periods of pretty sun. They’re leaving us with , at best, this: I know I’m going to regret this, but I’m really longing for a big storm to come and dump a couple of feet on us… Continue reading Of Storms and Storm Doors