The Cost of a Coffee

I went through a phase a few years ago where I was fairly addicted to Starbucks and their lattes. I also lived in an apartment complex with no sense of community and in a town with no center. Now I live in a real old town and have discovered a lot of those places that… Continue reading The Cost of a Coffee

Casanova and Book Lust

So, I’m half way through watching Russell T. Davies’s Casanova, which has rock’n’roll sensibilities (think: A Knight’s Tale) without being jarringly anachronistic (I think), lush historical costumes, and David Tennant. I can highly recommend it, or at least the first part, which made me laugh and cry at different times. Out of curiosity I started… Continue reading Casanova and Book Lust

Dying Yarn

Well the yarn turned out looking lovely, and no, you can’t see it because it’s dark and I haven’t taken a picture of it yet. I’ll take one tomorrow in the daylight, I promise. I used jet black and burgundy to make solid stripes (if you can have such a thing) and dotted a mix… Continue reading Dying Yarn


I’ve been a hive of activity recently (can one person be a ‘hive’. I don’t think so. Forget that. I’ve been busy) finishing up projects. And starting them in some cases. And now I’m at a loss. I have no major project on the go and just a stuck sock (can’t remember what needle size… Continue reading Finishitis


My sister, on seeing pictures of our clutter neatly arranged on shelves in the basement, was lamenting her own lack of basement. K suggested giving her husband a pick-axe and a miner’s helmet, which made her yelp with horror, because her husband is exactly the kind of guy who would grin and go for it.… Continue reading Frank

The Seed Catalogues Have Arrived

(Fancifully written for my 100Words exercise.) The trees were bare but in her hands she held a summer’s bounty: plump grapes, red-ripe tomatoes, dreams of raspberries, towering spikes of foxglove and ipomopsis. A carpet of alyssum, creeping phlox and sky blue petunias spread in her mind from the shivering cherry blossom to the corner of… Continue reading The Seed Catalogues Have Arrived

Finished Story

Woo-hoo! I finished up a short story this morning. (Thank you, G for sleeping in). I started it on Saturday when things were calm, and I finished it this morning. The idea came from a conversation in the car, one that made me laugh. And the story is 1000 words: about as much as it… Continue reading Finished Story

First Day Back

K and I are alone enjoying five minutes of mellowness before K rushes off to shower and I rouse A and the whole treadmill starts again (speaking of which I should hook up the treadmill). I’m not as depressed as I thought I’d be (yet). Today seems new and shiny and different. I have things… Continue reading First Day Back


So, Kev’s gone back to work. Angus is at school. Gregor’s still in bed. And I have my brain to myself. I have really enjoyed Kev being here all the time. I wonder if that is sufficient motivation for me to write that best-seller? And is that ever the proper motivation? Well, maybe not for… Continue reading Motivation