Themed Pt II

Because of my lack of apparent interests in my LJ profile, poor was reduced to making stuff up, when asking me about them. Therefore the next category is, “something Scottish (you’re Scottish, right?) that you like *g*” ;) Scotland Hmm, something Scottish that I like. That’s a tough one. Let’s try bullet points. Scottish Country… Continue reading Themed Pt II

Categorized as projects

Themed Part I

posted in her journal explanations of some of her ‘interests, listed in the LJ profile and said she’d tag other people. I responded but was too lame to check that I had any interests listed, so she had to do a little more research than she had planned (but that’s OK. It’s what she does.)… Continue reading Themed Part I

Nerd…I’ll Bite

I’m pretty proud that only 1% scored higher in the “History Nerd” section.

Categorized as projects

Nerd…I'll Bite

I’m pretty proud that only 1% scored higher in the “History Nerd” section.

Categorized as Me

Secret Pal Stuff

Huge thanks to my Secret Pal. I came back from the school walk this morning to find this: I opened it up and experienced Yarnticipation… There was yarn, oh yes, I’m getting to that, but the thing that made me immediately popular? Chocolate! With the boys duly distracted, I settled down to my part of… Continue reading Secret Pal Stuff

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