
I’d lost track of the date — in any context that wasn’t related to “Starting School” — so I was taken completely by surprise this morning when I turned on the radio to hear them talking about memorials in New York and elsewhere. I looked out of the window, and it seemed totally wrong that… Continue reading 9/11

Categorized as projects

Quicky Baby Sweater

I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit, in favour of recording the boys’ antics, but it’s time for an update. After the non-boyish dyeing project, I dived deeper in to the stash and discovered some variegated purple/brown wool that would be perfect for a boy sweater for the New England Fall. Ruefully, I cast on… Continue reading Quicky Baby Sweater

Categorized as projects

Julie Clone

Julie Clone Originally uploaded by jwordsmith This one’s for fifona  who keeps freaking me out by posting pictures of her daughter Julie looking exactly like herself. This one actually IS fifona , leading her almost-15 year old and carrying her 10 year old. The 12-year old clone is not in this picture. fifona

Categorized as projects