The Pillars of The Earth

I have just finished neglecting my family and going without sleep to read The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet. I knew nothing of him or this book before starting it (beyond the fact that there was a board game based on it). Now I know I”ll read it again some day (possibly soon).… Continue reading The Pillars of The Earth

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How A Writer Writes

I love this entry from Neil Gaiman’s blog about the new book he’s just started. It gives me all kinds of hope and illustrates elegantly how I feel about writing when it’s going well.

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How Do You Eat Yours?

[ posted this story about her daughter’s close encounter with a Creme Egg, which prompted me to flash-back to my childhood. Here’s the story:] When I was about three years old, my cool bachelor uncle came to visit. He drove up in his convertible Triumph and was immediately the coolest thing on our street (and… Continue reading How Do You Eat Yours?

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Definitely an Introvert

I just spent two hours at a birthday party with The Big Boy. Actually, I spent the time separated from him by a wall and a window while some very capable gym people kept the children busy and fed them cake. I spent my time talking to his best friend’s dad and a couple of… Continue reading Definitely an Introvert

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Nerd, Geek or Dork?

Uh-oh. Either I’m more honest than Dr Duff (who complained that he was rated “average Joe”) or this test is weighted to the more outspoken dork… , you’re now logged in! Below you’ll find your test result. After, continue on to your homescreen to discover what we’re about. continue to OkCupid homescreen > Outcast Genius78… Continue reading Nerd, Geek or Dork?

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Harlotted IRL

I discovered that my real-world Not-So Local Yarn Store (NSLYS) had been ‘crashed’ by the Yarn Harlot. There is a phenomenon online, where someone with a relatively low bandwidth (pipe to the internet) is happily posting away and their blog/article/story gets noticed and posted about on a geek site called Slashdot. Bazillions of geeks come… Continue reading Harlotted IRL

Too Tired To Knit?

It doesn’t seem like knitting would take much energy, does it? But sometimes I am honestly too tired to knit. The thought of holding the needles up and telling my arm muscles what to do is too much, sometimes. Pathetic! I’m excited too because I was commissioned by Husband to make him some thick warm… Continue reading Too Tired To Knit?

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