Key Cover

Key Cover Originally uploaded by jwordsmith. Ha! I love having a useful hobby. The handle came off my car key. It’s one of those big black keys with electronics in it and a key part that whips out like a switchblade. It also had a handle on one end that let me attach it to… Continue reading Key Cover

Knitted Key Cover

Key Cover Originally uploaded by jwordsmith. Ha! I love having a useful hobby. The handle came off my car key. It’s one of those big black keys with electronics in it and a key part that whips out like a switchblade. It also had a handle on one end that let me attach it to… Continue reading Knitted Key Cover

Categorized as Me

Adding Converts

I did it. It was my first time. I feel like a real grown-up knitter now. I taught my friend to knit. It totally did not push it. She came over (from the other side of the country, no less) and more or less instantly demanded that I teach her to knit. So I did.… Continue reading Adding Converts

Categorized as Blethers

Early Morning Writing

I woke up at 6.30 this morning, with no boys in sight or sound. I weighed the possibilities: go back to sleep for all of fifteen minutes, or get up and have a cup of coffee and a wee write, sitting at the dining table, watching the early morning light wash the sky/house line. I… Continue reading Early Morning Writing

Categorized as Me

My Stellar Clientele

I did this guy’s website. Think I should  feature him a little less prominently in my portfolio?

Categorized as Me