Knit And Crochet Show

07-15-06_1225.jpg Originally uploaded by jwordsmith. Lovely Husband (LH) set me free this morning to take a swing through the Knit And Crochet Show at Valley Forge. I didn’t sign up for any of the classes and, frankly, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had been to the Computer Show and Sale here and it… Continue reading Knit And Crochet Show

The Battle of The Somme

The Battle of the Somme began 90 years ago today. By the end of the day 20,000  young British men were dead, 40,000 more were injured. By the end of the battle one million people had been killed or wounded. These were the parents of my grandparents generation. Except they probably weren’t, because so many… Continue reading The Battle of The Somme

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