Hordes of teenage boys surged past and I realised that I had picked a bench near the scariest ride at the amusement park — possibly not the most private spot in the world to breastfeed. But the baby was cranky and my boobs were tingling, so down I sat. Even second baby around, I still… Continue reading Chocolate Milk — Breastfeeding At Hershey Park
Month: April 2006
Addicted Again
I had a little reaction to the Knitting Olympics. It was similar to my reaction to anything that becomes an obligation. I didn’t want to knit anymore. Oh, and my hands were sore. Now that a couple of weeks have passed I’m back to squeezing my knitting in around other jobs like looking after my… Continue reading Addicted Again
I can’t tell you how much I want, this afternoon, to go to see the Yarn Harlot. She’s coming to a bookstore not quite near me. I want to go and buy a Tricoteuses Sans Frontiers badge; hear her talk “aboot” her adventures so far; and knit in her audience. It’s quite odd, this fangirl… Continue reading Harlotry