
I composed a long and lyrical ode to Philadelphia as I drove through bits of it on the way back from the zoo. But now I’m so tired I could fall asleep standing up. So it’ll have to wait.

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No-one mentions how physically exhausting it is to raise two boys. Or maybe they do but I just haven’t been listening. It turns out that wrestling a strong and 20+lb baby who is nursing is tough. Then there’s your two-year-old who REALLY doesn’t want to cooperate with whatever you’re trying to do (change a diaper,… Continue reading Mommyrobics

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Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Had My First Baby — The First Few Weeks

This is the first of what I think will be many entries like this. Althought I had babysat and been a largely long-distance auntie, I was still surprised by SO many things about having my own baby. Since I started popping out sprogs a lot of my friends have followed suit. We trade emails and… Continue reading Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Had My First Baby — The First Few Weeks

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Modern Parents' Baby Shower Wish-List

Kaikaina recently entered the stage where all her friends are procreating and chided me for not using my three years of experience in baby-raising to produce any useful written materials. So herewith, I present my: Modern Parent’s Baby Shower Wish-List Forget the bonnets and mittens and “Baby’s First Teddy” bears. The new parent receives more… Continue reading Modern Parents' Baby Shower Wish-List

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Ignore this post

I have to log in through the Update Your Jounal Page because I can’t log in from the login page. Huh?

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