Just cancelled the host I’ve had forEVER, fo my jdwrite.com domain. I feel a little wistful, but on the other hand it’s exciting to have a shiny new website on a shiny new host. So, here’s my business site, all updated ‘n’ stuff. There is still some content to add, but it is much more… Continue reading Shiny
Category: Tech
I Hope This Is True
Supposedly Google has devised a sobriety test for email. New technologies create new problems that need solved!
iTunes 8 Problem Solved!!!
…not by me. I finally found this entry in the Apple support forums, after going through tons of official suggestions for troubleshooting. This one worked like a charm, so I’m reproducing it here, in case anyone else is having the same problem (that is, that iTunes 8 would not install fully, or would work once… Continue reading iTunes 8 Problem Solved!!!