San Diego Fires

I got a message last night from my friend who lives in San Diego, saying ‘ so far, so good’ in the face of these phenomenal wild fires. She has sent me a few links to ways that she is keeping up with the news, not least, her local PBS station’s interactive Google map that… Continue reading San Diego Fires

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I was grumpy today. The world outside was blustery too, so when K came home from work, I slammed some food in the oven for the boys and put on my under-used trainers and sports bra and went out for a stomp. Promising to be out for only half an hour, I was favoured with… Continue reading Stompy

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Cliche City

Here’s an article (or an introduction, at least) that made me time-warp back to my first few years in America. It’s about cliche and formal writing. The author above, had the wit to realise that he/she shouldn’t take for granted that people in an international audience would get what s./he was talking about when they… Continue reading Cliche City

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Dalek Pumpkin

Adding to my store of Dr Who-related crafts, I offer: the dalek pumpkin (not mine, but it tickled my fancy). Love the fact that they’ve switched in kitchen implements instead of bathroom ones!

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Seasonal Adjustment

On Wednesday, Kev was sitting out at lunch, and people, dressed in summer clothes, were complaining about the heat beating down from the October sun. On Wednesday night and Thursday morning we had thunderstorms. On Thursday evening I put a coat and mittens on Gregor as we took a walk around the block. Fall fell.… Continue reading Seasonal Adjustment

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We haven’t had any rain in almost a month, but today the wind is picking up and the clouds are gathering, allowing shafts of sunlight to burst through in a very Classical manner. The air smells odd, as if … as if God were eating a Fisherman’s Friend.

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The Mom Song

I brought you Bohemian Rhapsody and now I bring you The William Tell Overture. Kind of: The Mom Song by Anita Renfroe (buy a copy of the song here to support a hard-working funny lady!) I haven’t used all these lines on my children yet, but only because they are small. I have had most… Continue reading The Mom Song

Themed Pt II

Because of my lack of apparent interests in my LJ profile, poor was reduced to making stuff up, when asking me about them. Therefore the next category is, “something Scottish (you’re Scottish, right?) that you like *g*” ;) Scotland Hmm, something Scottish that I like. That’s a tough one. Let’s try bullet points. Scottish Country… Continue reading Themed Pt II

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Nerd…I’ll Bite

I’m pretty proud that only 1% scored higher in the “History Nerd” section.

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Me and My Brother

Me and My Brother Originally uploaded by jwordsmith Hey! We know this author‘s sister, and we think the lady in question has captured the life of brothers very well! A. read some of the words and pored over the pictures. Then he asked G. if he wanted a pillow fight…

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