
I’m very excited. I have finished G’s Cyberman Sweater. The pattern was helped along by the Stitches software (because I knitted a whole sweater for a pinhead and had to rip it out). The sleeves are way too long somehow, but I figure at this point we can roll them up. Pictures and details tomorrow.… Continue reading CyberSweater


Gauge/Tension Square Pre-felting Originally uploaded by jwordsmith. Because I am a dedicated disciple of the Yarn Harlot (and because the Heathen Housewife had already planted the seed) I have ordered the pattern for the Fiber Trends felted clogs. Since I ordered it online, I was lured into Michael’s by Husband (who is, whoo-hoo, going through… Continue reading Discipleship

Excellent Writing Advice

This is a great article about writing better. It says everything the more scholarly books and articles say, but is readable and entertaining (thus, illustrating the writer’s point). If you ever meet anyone who wants to know how to improve their writing, send them here. (Thanks, Wil, for the link.)

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I went to the pharmacy in the grocery store tonight to pick up some cold medicine for my man, who told me to get something with pseudoephedrine, cos “that’s the good stuff”. You have to ask at the counter nowadays for that so I did, begging for, “anything with pseudoephedrine in it”, like a junkie.… Continue reading Drugs!

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BBC On Demand in the US

I’m so excited. The BBC is making its shows available through Zudeo sometime soon. (Zudeo is owned by the people who made the BitTorrent software.) We’ve been getting our Dr. Who fix from the newsgroups (until such time as the DVDs are released, because we  just can’t wait a year for new Who…not while my… Continue reading BBC On Demand in the US

Categorized as Me

Money for Medicine

These ladies got naked to help their friend pay for the drugs that are keeping her alive after cancer treatment (cos, you know, a national health service would be the work of the devil. And Hillary Clinton.) Then they made a calendar. Now they’re selling it. Treat yourself and help Heather pay her bills!

Categorized as Me

Out of it

I am, apparently, not a fashionista. I’m thinking of buying some new clothes. Since all my post-baby shopping so for (make that almost two years, oops) has been done at Target, I thought I’d take a look online and see what is fashionable this year, before I got out and buy stuff that is oh,… Continue reading Out of it

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