About sixteen years ago I read a book by one of my all-time favourite writers, Douglas Adams. He and a naturalist (and a team of BBC radio producers and sound folks) had headed off to find examples of some of the most threatened creatures on the endangered species’ lists. Adams’ title was not lightly chosen:… Continue reading No Chance To See
Secret Pal
So, I’ve signed up for Secret Pal 11, a knitting goodies swap. I keep reading about this all over the Internet and envying the packages of goodies people get the sense of camaradarie, yes, that’s what it is. I should know who my secret pal is by about the middle of this month. So expect… Continue reading Secret Pal
Occupation: Mother
OK, so the journal finally has a proper name. “Ankle-bitten Authoring” was acting as a place holder while “Footloose and Freelance” was taken back to its desk with a filing box and a pink slip before being escorted off the premises. Now, at long last, we have, Occupation: Mother which is, I think, close enough… Continue reading Occupation: Mother
I’m using my laptop manufacturer’s chat function to talk to “customer support” (which, although it provides a name, seems like a robot). I’m pretty smart, but I can’t find my way around computer help files and technical specs because they tend to tell you what things are, but not what they do, and certainly not… Continue reading Incident
I’ve been doing some Potter catch-up this week. I started reading the sixth book (about which I remembered very little except the obvious bit at the end). As I read into the first few chapters it became apparent that I didn’t remember much about The Order of the Phoenix either (a book I had found… Continue reading Potter
Dutch Wonderland
Dutch Wonderland is an ‘only in America’ kind of place. For one thing, the Dutch in Dutch Country (from which the Wonderland takes its name) never were Dutch. They were Deutch, German. This may be why Dutch Wonderland is fronted by a turreted castle. It doesn’t explain the purple dragon, though. Dutch Wonderland is in… Continue reading Dutch Wonderland
Scissor Sisters
OK, so I’m late to the Scissor Sisters party, but I have finally discovered them thanks to…you guessed it, Doctor Who. Who could resist a boppy little ditty that runs “I can’t decide whether you should live or die”? Not me. But what I hadn’t realized is how much of a disco baby I was.… Continue reading Scissor Sisters
Phoenixville Borough Bozos
We had pretty much decided not to venture out to the community fireworks last night, for many reasons. 1, The fireworks didn’t start until after 9 pm and our kids really need to be asleep by then. 2, There was a thunderstorm forecast, and lastly, but definitely not least, 3, We were under a tornado… Continue reading Phoenixville Borough Bozos
Firewords (100 Words Version)
I had thought that, since all the posters for our town’s Fourth of July fireworks had a rain date marked, there was no way in Hades the display would go on. Everyone forecast lightning from 4 PM onwards. The National Weather Service issued a tornado watch (not as serious as a “get in the basement… Continue reading Firewords (100 Words Version)
A stormy Independence Day for us. No fireworks for us, I fear. Not sure the I want to stand near someone exploding contrails to the thunderclouds. A & K are out at the hardware store and G is rolling around on our bed. In a basket. Listening to the radio. Just heard the phrase “Britain’s… Continue reading Happenings