Butterflies and Stars from Brendah

Butterflies and Stars from Brendah Originally uploaded by jwordsmith. These lovely flowers and star discs are enjoying themselves among my spring flowers. They arrived today from San Francisco, along with a postcard. Again, I love the fact that they are all different colours. There is also a cute silver heart charm that says “Made with… Continue reading Butterflies and Stars from Brendah

Stitch Markers from Celena

Stitch Markers from Celena Originally uploaded by jwordsmith. These Happy Hearts arrived today from Florida. Thank, Celena! They are the perfect size (making me realise mine were a bit big and heavy unless my giftees knit lots of blankets or chunky sweaters) and I like the fact that they are all different colours, since I’m… Continue reading Stitch Markers from Celena

Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon Originally uploaded by jwordsmith. More stitch markers, since my giftees didn’t seem like the types who would like the browns. So I’m keeping them :D

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User Error

In my first real, grown-up office job my boss was a man who knew a lot about computers, hardware and software. He understood them as far as they can be understood, but he was no mere techy. He had the soul of an artist and, in another life, would probably have been hanging out with… Continue reading User Error

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Red Nose Day

There are times when I miss  living in a small country. In a small country, where everyone (until the past decade or so) watched the same four channels on TV, things happen that are truly nationwide. On November 11, pretty much everyone is wearing a poppy (although increasingly debating about what colour and whether newsreaders… Continue reading Red Nose Day

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I’ve been feeling a bit isolated out here in knitland, in winter. I read a lot of blogs but I felt like I wanted something to connect me to a community, so I started searching for swaps. I found this great site, which has a list of links to various knit-a-longs and swaps. The knit-a-longs… Continue reading Swappy!

Normal Heights

Normal Heights Originally uploaded by jwordsmith. My friend Carol lives in the height of normality. See?

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Language Is A Virus

I’ve only scratched the surface of Language Is A Virus but it seems like a promising site: the kind that might inspire you to write, rather than burgling your time like so many writers’ advice sites (fascinating but not helping with the actual writing of your own work…) I used their Writers Block “Cut Up”… Continue reading Language Is A Virus

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