OK, so I’m late to the Scissor Sisters party, but I have finally discovered them thanks to…you guessed it, Doctor Who. Who could resist a boppy little ditty that runs “I can’t decide whether you should live or die”? Not me. But what I hadn’t realized is how much of a disco baby I was.… Continue reading Scissor Sisters
Author: JulieD
Phoenixville Borough Bozos
We had pretty much decided not to venture out to the community fireworks last night, for many reasons. 1, The fireworks didn’t start until after 9 pm and our kids really need to be asleep by then. 2, There was a thunderstorm forecast, and lastly, but definitely not least, 3, We were under a tornado… Continue reading Phoenixville Borough Bozos
Firewords (100 Words Version)
I had thought that, since all the posters for our town’s Fourth of July fireworks had a rain date marked, there was no way in Hades the display would go on. Everyone forecast lightning from 4 PM onwards. The National Weather Service issued a tornado watch (not as serious as a “get in the basement… Continue reading Firewords (100 Words Version)
A stormy Independence Day for us. No fireworks for us, I fear. Not sure the I want to stand near someone exploding contrails to the thunderclouds. A & K are out at the hardware store and G is rolling around on our bed. In a basket. Listening to the radio. Just heard the phrase “Britain’s… Continue reading Happenings
My Writing
Well, I worked on my “Valerie” story and got it finished. It chewed up the whole morning and meant I only mentally surfaced in the early afternoon, which is not the best time for anyone in this house. But we survived. I’m pleased with my story. I wish I knew more readers who enjoys that… Continue reading My Writing
I’ve been wanting to create an awesome site for knitters for some time, something like Boardgame Geek, but less ugly and more user friendly. But I just didn’t know how. Now someone has. Whoopee. Except that it’s only being beta tested and I’m at the end of the queue. D’oh!
Obsession II
There is speculation that Russell T Davies will leave Dr Who after the fourth season, which I could totally understand. Someone who gets into that kind of job isn’t the do-one-thing-until-you-die type, especially when you consider the topics he’s done before. I imagine the restrictions of a 7 pm show might chafe after a while,… Continue reading Obsession II
Writers Inspiration II — The Wrong Books
A girl I went to school with wrote a hugely successful chick-lit novel, sold the movie rights, became a millionaire and a national celebrity after only a few years toiling in a dead-end job and turning (back) to writing in desperation. She told the press that she had bought “one of those ‘how to write… Continue reading Writers Inspiration II — The Wrong Books
Completely obsessed with Doctor Who again. I make no apologies. It’s no kids program anymore (if it ever was. Maybe in the Mary Whitehouse era). The fact that I had a whole storyline for one of the characters worked out by the end of the credits is a sign of both how much of a… Continue reading Obsession
Writer's Inspiration I
I’m trying to squeeze in more writing time these days (not, as previously mentioned, for projects that someone is threatening to pay for imminently, but just for my own satisfaction). In spite of the fact that I really want to write, I find myself needing a jumpstart, so I’m reading about writing a little more… Continue reading Writer's Inspiration I