Loathing Pt II

So, I rebooted my computer and once again tried to get Windows and iTunes to play nicely together. No sooner was my back turned, than Windows came running back across the playground bleating, “There’s an error with iTunes, and Apple caused it!” I went to iTunes to find out the other side of the story,… Continue reading Loathing Pt II

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2 Points Lunch

2 Points Lunch Originally uploaded by jwordsmith Not that I want to become a Weight Watchers bore, but hey, that’s what blogs are all about, right? So, I’ve been having real trouble sticking to my Weight Watchers Points allowance, so I decided to go back to basics. I made a batch of vegetable soup (as… Continue reading 2 Points Lunch

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Ravelry — I'm In!

For about two years now, drDuff has been hooked on Boardgame Geek, where he gets to list all his board games, find out about new board games, and hang out with other boardgamers with out having to, you know, hang out with other boardgamers. I have been so envious. I even talked to him of… Continue reading Ravelry — I'm In!

Categorized as Me

New Orleans

When I hear people talking about Hurricane Katrina and the recovery efforts  in New Orleans and elsewhere, there is a tiny voice in the back of my brain that say, “oh, that. Isn’t that over with?” The Yarn Harlot took a trip to New Orleans this week to promote her latest book, and posted an… Continue reading New Orleans

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A Cappella Bohemians

This is deliciously a geeky a capella rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody by a bunch of college guys. I’d love to know who did the arrangement. Because I’m THAT kind of geek.

Categorized as projects


Help me! I have startitis! Current projects include a black cardigan made from a pattern in Rebecca (sort of) from Jo Sharp Silk Road Tweed, which is lovely, but getting bigger as I knit down to the bottom hem and increase several times every tenth row; the end of a pair of socks for me… Continue reading Startitis

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My  new healthy lifestyle faltered a bit over the weekend as I hadn’t been shopping and there was no good food to eat. So I ate a meatball sub and crisps and anything else I could lay my hands on. I think my brain goes into starvation-panic if there isn’t lots of nice food around,… Continue reading Health

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I’d lost track of the date — in any context that wasn’t related to “Starting School” — so I was taken completely by surprise this morning when I turned on the radio to hear them talking about memorials in New York and elsewhere. I looked out of the window, and it seemed totally wrong that… Continue reading 9/11

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Quicky Baby Sweater

I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit, in favour of recording the boys’ antics, but it’s time for an update. After the non-boyish dyeing project, I dived deeper in to the stash and discovered some variegated purple/brown wool that would be perfect for a boy sweater for the New England Fall. Ruefully, I cast on… Continue reading Quicky Baby Sweater

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