He’s not afraid to say it

Ryan Lee Interview thumbnail

“Be a frigging human being. That’s storytelling in a nutshell.”

I had a blast this week interviewing email marketing legend and fast-talking New Yorker, Ryan Lee.

Ryan has spent the past 25 years building (and selling) businesses and through it all he has relied on email to keep his audience close.

We talked about

  • how Ryan uses storytelling in his email marketing
  • why he changed his approach recently and how that’s working out
  • how he ensures his storytelling is relevant and valuable to his audience
  • how it helps attract the right kind of clients to help him build a business that suits him…and what happened when he strayed from that path

…and why everyone should be writing emails like, in Ryan’s words, “a frigging human being.”

Luckily for you, I recorded the whole thing and you can watch it now.

it’s 22 minutes of inspiration and practical lessons from one of the Internet’s most experienced–and fun–marketers.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then let’s begin!


P. S. I’m 4/5 of the way through the first round of my Clickable Content Course and the feedback has been off the charts. I can’t wait to run the course again, for people who couldn’t make it first time around. It’s going to be great!