Kev made me laugh out loud tonight.

We were talking about this New Families picnic we are due to go to tomorrow at Angus’s new pre-school.

The forecast is for rain and Kev was questioning whether or not it’d be on.

“I’m sure they’ll move it to the gym, or something,” I said, ever the optimist.

“Great,” Kev said without enthusiasm. “That’ll be fun. A picnic in the gym.”

Then, and this was the bit that made me laugh, he droned,

“We can play ‘Kiss, Cuddle or Torture’!”

I can only think of two other people I still keep in touch with, who I could guarantee would know what he was talking about.

Do you?

And here’s a thought. It’s been about 22 years since I’ve heard that phrase, nevermind played the game (well, officially!).

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